Dustin Burg

Dustin Burg

My name is Dustin Burg also known as "SuperDunner" and I am awesome. No joke, that's what it says on my business card. I'm a huge fan of the Halos, Gears of War and pretty much anything that's violent, bloody or mind-bending twisted. You can stalk my gaming habits by checking me out on Xbox Live under gamertag SuperDunners.While not gaming, I enjoy chatting it up with cool folks, wrestling bones away from the family dog "Buddy", watching the tele and consuming delicious foods. Cheescake, yum. Been on the blogging job since November 2006, have a degree in marketing and am a Twitter addict. Now that you know a bit about me, isn't it obvious that I'm totally awesome?

Articles By Dustin Burg