

  • EA's Tiger Woods PGA Tour 10 with Wii MotionPlus now shipping

    It may not seem quite as impressive now that Microsoft and Sony have shown off their visions of a motion-controlled future, but Nintendo's Wii MotionPlus is still as good as it gets when it comes to consoles today and, as promised, it's now finally shipping alongside the latest Tiger Woods game. That may not be exactly what Nintendo had in mind when it first unveiled MotionPlus way back at last year's E3, but the first-party wares won't be too far behind, with its own Wii Sports Resort title (and requisite bundle) still on track for a launch late next month. If you're up for a little golf in the meantime, however, you can pick up the Tiger Woods game bundled with Wii MotionPlus for $59.99, or the standalone game (still playable with the standard Wiimote) for $49.99.

    Donald Melanson
  • Video: Wii Nunchuk controls motorized Beancat chair

    Nintendo's Wiimote (and the Nunchuk, by extension) have certainly been wired up to control their fair share of oddities, but we honestly can't think of a more suitable use for a spare 'chuk than this right here. The so-called Beancat is nothing more than a motorized beanbag chair that takes direction from a wired Nunchuk, and while we can't exactly speak from experience, it certainly looks thrilling from afar. Have a glance yourself just past the break, and tap the read link if you're eager to see how it all came together. [Via MAKE]

    Darren Murph
  • InvenSense gloats about world's first 6-axis MEMS-based motion sensing solution

    We tell ya, some proud folks work at InvenSense. After boasting last year about its Wii MotionPlus-powering IDG-600 motion sensor, the company is set to gloat once more at E3 this year. The cause for celebration? Its 6-axis motion processing solution, which it's calling a world's first. Said solution weds its IME-3000 3-axis accelerometer with its IDG dual-axis family of gyros in order to produce a wicked small 6-axis motion sensor. In theory, at least, this creation is small enough to add MotionPlus-like capabilities to smartphones and other ridiculously small devices, with even TV remotes holding the promise of one day letting you "roll through" the EPG. Currently, the only big-name devices utilizing 5- or 6-axis motion functionality is Logitech's MX Air Mouse and the aforementioned MotionPlus accessory, but obviously InvenSense is hungry for more. Too bad that DSi already launched, right?

    Darren Murph
  • Rolling stones and cymbals: 505 Games announces Rolling Stone: Drum King

    Well, it's been quite some time since we last touched on 505 Games' We Rock: Drum King. The game seems to have spent a majority of its time in the shadows working toward a deal with Rolling Stone magazine, as the music mag and 505 Games just dropped press releases into our inbox introducing Rolling Stone: Drum King. Looks like somebody's been staying awake in their Synergy 101 class!The game is planned for a spring release, and still tasks players with keeping smooth timing by mimicking drumming through use of the Wiimote and Nunchuk. It will also feature local multiplayer support for you and a friend, and has over 30 "top quality cover tracks" inspired by real bands. Head past the break for the full list and a trailer snagged from the Amazon product page for the game.%Gallery-39772%

    David Hinkle
  • J Allard's 'Magic Wand' patent application for Microsoft puts Nintendo, sorcerers on notice

    It's been awhile since we've heard from J Allard; the man who assumed responsibility for Microsoft's Entertainment and Devices Division (think: Zune and Xbox) in mid 2008 in an effort to unify the experience into a centralized package. Now Microsoft's CTO and CXO (that's, Chief eXperience Office) has co-signed a patent application for a "Magic Wand" first filed in November of 2007 and made public just a few days ago. The patent application reads very much like a Wiimote, hand-held controller,"The architecture can utilize one or more sensor from a collection of sensors to determine an orientation or gesture in connection with the wand, and can further issue an instruction to update a state of an environmental component based upon the orientation." It's worth remembering that Microsoft has been rumored to be working on such a controller since at least August 2007. Something they've apparently scrapped for a camera-based solution that will allow gamers to control the action with their bodies and hand-gestures without requiring a hand-held controller -- you know, if current rumors are true. How many days until Microsoft's June 1st E3 press conference again?[Via TechFlash]

    Thomas Ricker
  • Penguin United's new Wii gun doesn't need a Wiimote

    Penguin United may be best known for its wonderful 24X Gaming Pouch, which allows you to carry a mess of DS games around without the, well, mess. But if its latest Wii product works well, it could have a new claim to (relative) fame.Penguin's CrossFire Remote Pistol is a Wii Zapper alternative that doesn't require a separate Wiimote. While most Wii guns are merely shells with levers to push the B button, this one is a completely self-contained Wiimote, with an integrated speaker.The final unit probably won't have jaggies -- this is a product render Penguin sent to us. The device will be available for testing at E3 next month.

    JC Fletcher
  • Nintendo's Wii MotionPlus accessory up for pre-order

    With June 8th barely a month away, we're finally seeing Nintendo's long (long!) awaited Wii MotionPlus dongle hit the pre-order stage. Right now at Amazon, eager Wiimote swingers can get in line for $19.99, or if you're feeling frisky, you can also pre-order Wii Sports Resort and / or Tiger Woods PGA Tour 10. So, who's down for making their controller the most expensive one on the market when fully equipped?Update: Good news, gamers. EA Sports just announced that Tiger Woods PGA Tour 10 and Grand Slam Tennis will now be released on June 8th alongside the Wii MotionPlus dongle.

    Darren Murph
  • Resident Evil Archives staggers toward June 23 release

    Fans of Resident Evil (and buying the same game multiple times) will be happy to know that Resident Evil Archives -- the official title for the Wii port of a GameCube remake of a PSOne game -- is slated for a June release, Eurogamer reports. Featuring enhanced Wiimote controls and ... enhanced Wiimote controls, the new-for-Wii version of the game will debut in the US on June 23 for $29.99.%Gallery-32896%

    David Hinkle
  • Video: surviving Pleo loses remaining autonomy, gets controlled by Wii Nunchuk

    Aw, how timely. Shortly after the Pleo lineage fell victim to economic pressures, an all-too-cute video has surfaced showing a remaining creature being controlled by a Wii Nunchuk. In reality, the underlying abuse here is quite sad -- for those unaware, Pleo was designed to be entirely autonomous, and the first step to regaining control over it is to implement a "Pleo Stunner" in order to shock him into silence. From there, an XBee-based solution is used to tap into his control system and override every single instinct the poor sap ever had. If you're into this type of sadistic torture (or you're just an aspiring dictator), check the read link for all the instructions you need to fulfill your own evil desires. For those just interested in a good chuckle, the vid's after the break. [Thanks to everyone who sent this in]

    Darren Murph
  • The evolution of MotionPlus's shape

    Thanks to a set of European trademarks, we can get a rare look at the way a peripheral's design has evolved along its development cycle. NeoGAFfer Shiggy found three trademarks for different case designs of the MotionPlus attachment. They appear in chronological order above.It's basically the same throughout, except the bottom corners went from curving inward to curving outward! From the look of the final product, that "lip" is designed to help secure the new jacket in place. Alternate theory: the MotionPlus flares out to reduce the aerodynamic quality of the Wiimote, should it slip out of players' hands.

    JC Fletcher
  • Video: WiiNxtBalance tools around, doesn't fall down

    This little bot-- the NXTway-GS -- is a self-balancer, and he's pretty cute, to boot. Thanks to some clever modifications, he's now controllable via Wiimote. Using the LEGO NXT system, and some custom firmware, the little dude is connected to a computer via Bluetooth. The video of the robot in action is after the break -- but if you want to see full instructions for making one of your very own -- hit the read link. And may we suggest you slap a powdered colonial wig on yours? [Via Hack A Day]

  • Nintendo not apt to add MotionPlus capabilities to older titles

    Hey, you know what would be awesome? If you could actually use the MotionPlus dongle you're going to pick up on June 8th. You see, there's a 1.5 month gap between the US release date of the add-on and the first first-party title (Wii Sports Resort) designed to take advantage of it. 'Course, we fully expect a few third-party games (EA's Grand Slam Tennis, for one) to filter out beforehand, but what we were really hoping was for the Big N to provide patches for a few existing titles. Sadly, Mario has chimed in from the Mushroom Kingdom with this: "The Wii MotionPlus accessory is only for games that are designed to make use of its abilities." Translation? You can forget about seeing MotionPlus support added to Mario Kart Wii... or Looney Tunes: Acme Arsenal, for that matter.[Via Joystiq]

    Darren Murph
  • Nintendo's $19.99 MotionPlus Wiimote add-on ships to US on June 8th

    Alright, so maybe the rumors weren't that far off, but the Big N just did us a solid by establishing US availability of its MotionPlus Wiimote accessory a few weeks ahead of when we were expecting. Granted, it's downright baffling that these things still aren't out on the market, but we're fully anticipating perfection from something that has been in the Crock-Pot® for so long. Shortly after E3 2009 concludes (June 8th, to be precise), Nintendo will ship its MotionPlus add-on stateside. The device itself will run you $19.99, though you could wait until July 26th to pick up the totally attractive Wii Sports Resort for $49.99, which naturally comes bundled with one of the accessories.

    Darren Murph
  • Casmobot lawnmower is a slave to the flick of a Wiimote

    Most of the time we see a Wii mote controlling something tangible, it's more for entertainment value like an airsoft gun or Rovio. The Casmobot lawnmower, developed by scientists from the University of Southern Denmark, is actually quite useful if you loathe outdoor chores. It can be steered into grass-cutting action via the tilt of the controller synced with Bluetooth. Alternatively, you can drive it for a lap around the border of the yard and then put it on autopilot to mow inside the designated zone. We wouldn't run in front of it while its in motion, though, it's probably not as forgiving of interruption as a roomba. Researcher Kjeld Jensen also suggested applying the same technology to your grandmother's wheelchair, but we really don't think she'd appreciate that. See it for yourself in the video after the break.[Via Switched]

    Ross Miller
  • Want a weightier Wii experience? Try 'Riiflex'

    In one of the most unexpectedly practical ideas to hit the world of ridiculous Wii accessories, Power Play Corporation has announced the upcoming release of "Riiflex," a set of dumbbells designed to fit the Wiimote and Nunchuk inside. Just making the controllers heavier allows you to turn normal waggling into a workout! This item was announced back in January, and now it's available for preorder at an unfortunately hefty $34.95 price for two-pound weights, or $39.95 for four-pound weights.The Wiimote attachment features a hole in the front for the pointer, and both the Wiimote and Nunchuk holders allow access to the triggers. Of course, most dumbbell training courses consist mostly of repetitive motions targeting specific muscle groups, and not just, uh, waving one arm around while holding the other one still, but we still think this is a neat idea. Especially when compared to other crummy Wiimote shells!%Gallery-49604%[Via Engadget]

    JC Fletcher
  • Riiflex Wiimote weights up for pre-order

    Look out, vulnerable televisions -- your worst nightmare is already up for pre-order. The two- and four-pound Riiflex Wiimote weights have escaped the "yeah right" stage and are now just months away from piercing all manners of living room fixtures. The pair (one for your Wiimote, one for your nunchuck) of two pounders will set you back $34.95, while the heftier ones run $5 more pet set. Wait, are you seriously considering these? Be honest.[Thanks, Jon]Update: Riiflex pinged us to say that pre-orders will get 30 percent off.

    Darren Murph
  • Color us impressed: The WiiSpray graffiti program in action

    In the ten months since we last saw Martin Lihs's WiiSpray application, the Bauhaus University student has turned his combination of Flash programming and custom Wiimote enclosure from a simple tagging simulator to a networked platform for interactive art. We're hoping the next step is "thing that you can buy."After plugging the Wiimote into the virtual spray can, you can "spray" onto a projected surface, change colors, choose and manipulate stencils, and even save work to a server for further editing at the time and place of the user's choice. Let's see you try that with a wall. Check after the break for a video demonstration![Via Engadget, Attract Mode]

    JC Fletcher
  • Wiimote used to control robotic spider

    Well, humanity, you can't say you didn't ask for it. When the robot spiders throw off their shackles and destroy us all (because they will), how can we complain when we were trying to keep control of them with a Wiimote? Harnessing nature's most powerful force -- the robot spider -- with a video game controller? Hubris, thy name is man.You can watch the final ticks of our doomsday clock after the break if you like. Or, if you hurry, we can probably fit one more in our Robot Spider Shelter. Totally your call.[Via GoNintendo]

    Justin McElroy
  • Video: WiiSpray lets virtual taggers spray without fear of the man

    When we first caught a whiff of the virtual aerosol action promised by Martin Lihs' thesis at Bauhaus University, dubbed WiiSpray, we were intrigued, but we never figured the end product would be this impressive. Lihs has since posted up a short teaser trailer showing the wall in action, controlled by a modified Wiimote controller, with results that should make even the most law-abiding artist smile. The video below shows an extensive color picker tool, interactive stencils, and what looks to be a perfectly accurate spray pattern -- and it should be, as the whole is getup is sponsored by Montana Cans. We're not sure what's next for this technology, but hopefully Lihs and his creation will be bombing a more public location soon.

    Tim Stevens
  • Remote control airsoft gun MacGyvered out of Wiimote, ioBridge, and Construx

    It's the weekend, folks, and you know what that means -- time to blow off a little steam. By way of example, the folks that brought us that Wiimote coil gun a while back have returned to the scene with a little something they like to call OfficeDefender. Using the very same servo and ioBridge module as the last time, this hack finds the gun replaced with a Beretta 9mm replica airsoft gun. Also note the nice use of Construx in a non-beer or iPhone related context. If that weren't enough, this bad boy has a full-auto mode, moves 180 degrees horizontally, can be sighted with the head-mounted webcam and fired via Wiimote. We're not telling you that you can use this to hassle folks in the office come Monday, but you totally could. Videos after the break.[Via Engadget German]