tnt hd


  • Oct 11: What's on HDTV today

    What we're watching: After that long game between Houston and Atlanta the other night, I'm not sure I need any more MLB Baseball. That game had more innings than I have high-def channels! Still, it is the first game for the American League crown, so I'll drop by Fox at 8 p.m. for the game in 720p.That's the mainstream pic, so for everyone else recovering from the last game, I'll add a few "sleeper" pics. I wouldn't advise going to sleep right after these though: I'm getting you ready for Halloween with Monsters-HD! Switch over from the baseball game at 8:45 p.m and you'll get treated to Stephen King's "The Dead Zone" in super-scary 1080i. Follow that with so-so "Pet Sematary Two" at 10:30 p.m. and your kids will never watch HDTV with you again!