

  • Xbox SmartGlass goes live alongside first Windows 8 tablets on October 26 with several supported apps

    SmartGlass functionality may already sort of exist on Xbox 360 per the console's latest Dashboard update, but Microsoft's making it a full-on reality on October 26. As it stands, the Xbox 360 allows for SmartGlass support, but without an update to Microsoft's 360 companion app, there's no way to use it -- when Microsoft's Surface RT and other Windows 8 tablets launch on the 26, that functionality will come built in to the "Games" section of the new OS. That of course begs the question: "When will I be able to use SmartGlass with my iOS/Android/Windows Phone 7.5 devices? And how?" The date isn't certain, but functionality will arrive on other platforms "soon" after the October 26 launch of Surface, Microsoft reps tell us. When it does, it'll come in the form of an update to your existing, "My Xbox Live" mobile app (which also renames the app to, "Xbox SmartGlass") or Games tab (per WP7.5), and it'll be more or less identical with the Windows Phone version. The only missing functionality, we're told, are two somewhat basic bulletpoints. "We have deeper integration in the Windows Phone," Microsoft tells us. "That's something we don't have on iOS or Android, it's just within our application. Same on Windows -- the integration in Windows is 'last playing' or 'now playing,' being able to present that information." The other, more interesting item, is the lacking ability to "send" whatever website you're using up to the Xbox 360's Internet Explorer browser. Regardless of which mobile device you're on, SmartGlass can "send" websites from the 360 to said device -- it won't work the other way around, however, if you're using a non-Windows 8 device. Not what we'd call a huge deal, exactly, but a bummer no less. Regardless, you'll soon have the opportunity to put SmartGlass through its paces from the comfort of home when support devices launch on October 26. For a full list of applications available at launch and partners beyond that plus a quick walkthrough video, head past the break.

    Ben Gilbert
  • HBO boss Bill Nelson announces retirement, Richard Plepler will assume the throne

    After five years as king of the HBO castle, CEO Bill Nelson has announced he's leaving the company to retire at the end of the year. During Nelson's near 30-year career, he bounced through a string of corporate roles before becoming top dog in 2007, subsequently overseeing the launch of the digital service HBO Go. While it might be impossible to replace such a commanding moustache, we're sure current co-President Richard Plepler will do a fine job when he takes the helm. He's responsible (in part) for bringing shows like Boardwalk Empire and Game of Thrones to our screens, after all. Enjoy your retirement Bill, and be glad you left on your own terms -- some aren't so fortunate.

    Jamie Rigg
  • HBO and Blinkbox offer second season of Game of Thrones online before DVD / Blu-ray release in UK

    Folks in North America may have to wait for the upcoming DVD or Blu-ray release to purchase the second season of Game of Thrones, but those in the UK have another option thanks to a new partnership between HBO UK and the Tesco-owned Blinkbox video-on-demand service. That deal sees both the second seasons of Game of Thrones and Boardwalk Empire making their debut on the online service well ahead of their traditional home video releases, where they're also available alongside the first seasons of each show and a number of other newly available HBO titles. In the case of Game of Thrones, you'll pay £17.99 (or about $30) for each season or £1.79 (or $3) for individual episodes, and you can choose to either download or stream the episodes and view them on a variety of devices (including game consoles, the iPad and some smart TVs).

    Donald Melanson
  • Must See HDTV (May 28th - June 3rd)

    Game of Thrones HBO's premiere series wraps up season two this weekend, and while we're not going to spoil things (yeah we read ahead via wiki summaries, we're weak) we're pretty sure that someone will die in this episode. Just like pretty much every other episode. Someone else will do something honorable, someone will be betrayed, and... dragons. Game of Thrones, ladies and gentlemen. (June 3rd, HBO, 9PM) Workaholics Comedy Central's series makes its return this week, and the story of three slackers just trying to get by has really grown on us. Trying to explain the interactions between Blake, Adam and 'Ders would probably make us look crazy, so we'll just advise you to tune in and hope for another Double Dare cameo by Marc Summers. If the words "let's get weird" don't mean anything to you, check out the trailer embedded after the break. (May 29th, Comedy Central, 10:30PM) Stanley Cup Finals The NHL Playoffs are finally down to just two teams: the LA Kings and the New Jersey Devils. Hockey's biggest prize is up for grabs, however the games are pretty spaced out so we've only got two of them on the schedule this week. We're sure you can make time to tune in. (May 30th & June 2nd, NBC, 8PM)

    Richard Lawler
  • Eight floppy drives recreate the theme from Game of Thrones, stake claim to the seven Kingdoms

    Should the robots ever form an alliance and turn against us, all we need to do is call on people like Anand Jin to save us. Why? Because it's folk of his ilk that are the pied pipers of the machine world. We've seen disk drives coerced into recreating Daft Punk, and Bo-Rhap extorted from an Atari 800XL. Now, we can watch the aforementioned Anand eke the theme from Game of Thrones out of eight floppy drives. There's more info on his YouTube channel if you're curious to know the hows and whys. Much as we enjoy the performance, hearing the theme again just brings up bad memories of last week's ending.

    James Trew
  • Interactive Game of Thrones content comes to HBO Go iPad app

    Home Box Office has been pushing its "interactive viewing experience" for Game of Thrones over at the HBO Go site, but if you weren't sitting in front of a computer there was no way to take part in the fantasy world fun. Now the premium channel is bringing the commentary tracks, interviews, maps and loads of other extra features to the Go iPad app. But, having that content available for season one isn't particularly exciting. What has our little nerd hearts aflutter is that all of the same features will be available for season two, starting immediately with the April 1st premier. As you watch, if the seemingly bottomless well of characters and their rival houses trip you up, you'll be able to pull up a guide to help you separate your Arryns from your Tullys and Redwynes. For a quick preview check out the video and PR after the break.

  • HBO Go coming to Xbox 360 on April 1st

    HBO has slowly been bringing HBO Go to a multitude of connected platforms, from Roku boxes to some Samsung connected TVs, and now we finally know when it'll come to the Xbox 360. Tonight at an HBO event in San Francisco, company Co-President, Eric Kessler, gave us the good news that Microsoft's console will be getting the streaming service on April 1st. It'll make its debut alongside the premiere of season two of Game of Thrones, so you'll finally be able to jump straight from the hills of Tamriel to the fields of Winterfell with the greatest of ease.

    Michael Gorman