Q Acoustics


  • Q Acoustics' decor-friendly QAV HT speakers

    Large HD displays are a lot less of an eyesore than in the days when CRT RPTV's ruled the roost. But unless you install in-wall speakers, you're still left with speaker cabinets spoiling your floor plan. Q Acoustics is hoping to make the speakers disappear with their QAV lineup, though. These speakers achieve svelteness by using NXT's latest design, the "Balanced Mode Radiator," which rounds out the typically thin sound of NXT's panels by adding a traditional cone driver. Q Acoustics is especially proud of the pictured "soundbar," which puts all three front channels in a single unit that adjusts to span the width of your TV. We're skeptical that 40" of separation between left and right can produce a soundstage, but it does cut down on visual clutter. No word on US availability, but you can pick up a 5.1 set in the UK for £600 ($1200).[Thanks, dv9r]

    Steven Kim