
Track Trump will keep tabs on the President's first 100 days

The new site provides a dashboard for presidential accountability.

President Trump was clear about the goals of his first 100 days in office before the election was even over, eventually laying out those goals in a PDF titled "Donald Trump's Contract with the American Voter." While Trump's policies can often be obscured by his tweetstorms and rhetoric, the folks behind Track Trump hope to cut out all the noise and make it easy to track those promises in a simple, non-partisan dashboard that will hold the new administration accountable for the promises they've made to the American voters.

The site was created by Y Combinator president Sam Altman, along with cofounders Alec Baum, Gregory Koberger, and Peter Federman, and is laid out to be as straightforward as possible. Trump's contract-bound promises are sorted into main categories like Immigration, Trade, Energy & Climate, Federal Government, Economic Policy, Education, Healthcare and Safety. Each bulleted item follows a simple stoplight system: gray means no action has been taken yet, yellow if the administration has started taking action on that particular policy and green if that policy has been implemented.

To keep things sane, the site's founders say they will not be covering tweets or public statements -- only making updates when work has actually been done to implement a particular policy. Updates to individual items, like the first steps taken to eliminate the defense sequester and expand military investment, will link directly to the primary sources. As with any tech project, the site is a work in progress and open to suggestions from the community and as Altman told Venture Beat, the site may pivot and focus on other issues once we've survived the first 100 days.