
Top 5 Tips For Selling Old Mobile Phone

selling old mobile phones

With the tech giants releasing new advanced models every now and then, there is an increasing trend to shift to newer models after every 6 months to one year. Do you know that there are a magnum 100 million cell phones sitting just unused in the UK homes? Now, imagine how MUCH they can repay if sold on time! Given the high frequency in shifting for latest models, most of the discarded phones are still in standard condition and can fetch a sizeable price. So what are the best ways to sell your old mobile?

  1. Trade-in programs

You have both in-store and online trade-in programs to choose from here. In regards to the in-store trade-in programs, there are several local stores near your area who will offer a handy price for your old mobile phone after a thorough assessment. However, in return, you will mostly get gift cards to buy something from the store. It's a cool deal anyday as you can utilize the gift card to buy a new phone from the store at a discounted rate.

The online trade-in programs follow a similar process- it's just that the entire process would be carried on over the web. Though gift cards are common with the online programs as well yet there are some sites that offer other convenient options like cash back in the form of cheques or Bitcoin or PayPal payment. These trade-in programs would be a handy way to sell your phone for most money.

  1. Auction sites

Online auctions would be amazing when you are looking for top tips to sell your old phone. In fact, auction bidding can offer you more price than the trade-in programs. It would be especially wiser to put your phone on auction if it's a recent model as newer the model, better would be the deeds. However, for optimum results, make sure to include premium-quality images of the phone on listing page- as well as detailed impressive description on the best features of your model.

  1. Online sales sites

Then of course, you have the local online sales sites when you are asking where to sell my smartphone. Here you will have your phone listed with your preferred price, images and phone specifications- on which the buyers would contact you. You can compare the buyers and sell it to the most compatible one in exchange of cash. There are some sites that extend the facility of price-lock if you are ready to sell your old mobile before the declaration of the latest model of the same phone maker.

  1. Social media sites

With the social networking sites evolving as a great business medium in a rapid pace today, it would not be wise to explore the channel for selling your old mobile phone. You can list it up on your social media account and request your friends to share the ad to as many people as possible for a viral marketing of your offer.

  1. Phone recycling

The post would be incomplete without the mention of this particular pointer when we are discussing smarter ways to sell the old mobile phones. There are both land-based and online phone recycling stores that would happily offer a fair price in exchange of your used cell phone. The recycling quotient also comes with a noble touch as it ensures that you are doing your bit to conserve the Mother Earth.

However, before you proceed to sell your old mobile, make sure to check out its current market price to ensure an informed and reasonable selling price on your part. Don't forget to remove all your details from the phone before shipping it or handing it over to a store or customer.