
Are New Web Design Technologies Posing A Threat For Designers?

Web Design Technologies

With the entire world getting steadily digital, it's indispensable for every business to have its own website online. This has led to a soaring demand for web designs and also for the website designers. But then, web designing is a dynamic field with new technologies adding to it with each passing year. A good host of these latest technologies are geared to make the whole process of web designing simpler and more convenient- to the extent of enabling just anybody designing up a website without any such pro designing skills. An inevitable question pops up here – are these new technologies posing a threat for web designers? Well, not necessarily so. In fact, as these advanced additions are meant to simplify the whole process, the web designers too would benefit from it.

Let's have a sneak peek into the latest technologies coloring up the web design world today.

Adobe Muse

From its early days of several limitations (as pointed out by web designers), Adobe Muse has traveled a long route and today you have a much better and improvised version of it. It's especially for those who bank on the visual appeal of a website and looking for a simple site with basic functionalities. At present, Adobe Muse will incorporate ecommerce, blog design as well as responsive site design for the mobile devices. This means, it will be helpful for any layman looking to create a basic site without any pro help and also for designers who have been asked for visually appealing yet minimalist site within a budget.

The Grid

The launch of The Grid is directly proportional to the rising need of responsive web designs to ensure easy compatibility with the mobile browsing devices. The edgy technology has introduced Artificial Intelligence to web design & helps to structure the website content, images & design in a responsive way to assure easy viewing from the small screened devices as well. Thus, the designers would no more need to worry about device compatibility of their designs.

Template Engine

Editing one web page is no doubt simple but what about those times when you have to handle several pages? Well, that's definitely a daunting affair and a time consuming one as well. It can even lead to potential errors. But you have something really cool today called Template Engine that will allow a convenient way to incorporate changes simultaneously in all web pages with similar components- like Sidebars, Footers or Headers. There is a wide range of Template Engines to choose from.


Launched last year, PageCloud refers to a highly advanced browser-based website design tool which enables you to drag & drop images, text, videos & other different elements on a website page for the desired website look. It also allows one to incorporate virtual media on the website, like YouTube videos, in just a click. Then, PageCloud is bustling with numerous readymade templates and fonts for easy website designing.


SquareSpace is winning hearts everywhere with its breezy drag & drop as well as fill-in-the-blank functionality & mobile-friendly capabilities. The web designing platform would be excellent for those who want a functional and clean design without getting lost in the complicated intricacies of website designing. With SquareSpace, you can have a site up & running in just a weekend.

Now, yes, it's true that these web designing technologies have made designing sites simpler even for a layman. But that does not mean web designers would be out of job for such a convenience. In fact, as per the CEO of Staten Island web design company, if leveraged properly, each of these new developments imply newer opportunities for the web designers- be it through a responsive design structure or readymade templates.