
​Did iOS 9 "steal" your mobile data?

On June 8th, Apple Company officially released its new iOS 9 system on the Worldwide Developer Conference 2015. The iOS 9 system has brought many new properties and detail changes. Soon huge iPhone users upgraded its old iOS 8 mobile system into iOS 9, but the trouble also follows.

To be briefly, the story goes like this: An Asian student of my class returned to his homeland - China, this Summer holiday. He decided to find a job in China and began sending CVs to big companies. As an IT major student, he soon downloaded a resume template online and applied for a JAVA engineer position in a big company successful. Based on career needs, he upgraded his iPhone 6 mobile system into iOS 9. One day he was awakened in the morning, because he had received a "Goodwill Remind" message from China Unicom 10010: The total fee of this month is 402.66 RMB, including fixed fee: 116 RMB, basic fee 96 RMB, Internet access fee: 285.66 RMB..." All of this is the fault of iOS 9.

You may wonder why. Apple helped my student cost 285.66 RMB Internet data fee! After investigating, he finally found the root reason. iOS 9 has a default function that the "Wireless LAN" under "Cellular Mobile Network" is open. For "Wireless LAN", Apple has its own explanation: "The wireless local area network (LAN) automatically uses cellular mobile data when the connection signal is weak." How can Apple made such a low-level mistake by helping consumers send money to phone operators? The student came to a conclusion: Apple overestimated the speed of network in Asia, and treat it as equally as in Europe and the United States. In most Asian countries, the wi-fi network speed is not that stable and fast, this function will make the phones automatically use mobile data under wi-fi connection and the users are totally unaware of all this!
Apple has always been attaching importance to user experiences, but this time it overreached itself. In order to give the users a better and faster browsing experience, Apple helps users to open "Wireless LAN Assistant". Whether the starting point is good or bad, obviously it has caused troubles and the users have the right to know in advance and willingness to open or not.
Above all, If Apple company see this article, please take the time to repair your "upset" by turning down this damn default function, thank you!