
Patch Notes: 2.1.1

Not *quite* as short as last time, but 2.1.1 is not a major patch by anyone's reckoning (unless, you know, you're all about "The Fel and the Furious"). Clocking in at 1.84MB on the PC and 3.45 MB on the Mac, here's what you'll be getting:

World of Warcraft Client Patch 2.1.1


  • Players will now be able to properly destory the infernals in the quest, "The Fel and the Furious"

  • Gladiator's Plate Legguards: Fixed a graphical display error.

  • Fixed a bug that caused some systems to see terrain holes appear in the distance.

  • Stackable items retrieved from mail will no longer automatically stack in your inventory. This has been disabled pending a future patch fix.

  • Players will no longer see the flickering terrain issues that were introduced with 2.1.0 when the LOD system is enabled.

[Thanks to Kompost for the tip!]