
Resident Evil not entirely anti-Revolution

First it was announced for only Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3, then it was hinted to also come out on Revolution, but there never was any verification - now comes word, via an interview with Deadly Silence producer Minoru Nakai, that Resident Evil 5 is very likely not Revolution-bound. As he sees it, the new, much lauded RE control scheme is not adapt for the Revolution controller. We'll give him that one, but what about future releases of the game?

Talking with Jeux-France, Nakai - who currently has quite a few ideas for Nintendo DS games - sees the Revolution controller as a possible fit for future Resident Evil titles - after they wear out the current control scheme, of course. Nakai would also like to make a Revolution game unrelated to the Zombie franchise before he commits to a Nintendo-fied Resident Evil.

Resident Evil and Nintendo have made for some rather strange bedfellows - arguably the best game in the entire series, Resident Evil 4, debuted on the GameCube to much fanfare and critical warmth (the game later was released on the PlayStation 2). For all those who called Nintendo "kiddie," Resident Evil was a breath of fresh air. We may not see a Resident Evil Revolution anytime soon, but Capcom is still toying with the option.

Resident Evil: Deadly Silence is set for release on the Nintendo DS this week in Japan, February 7th in the US, and March 31st in Europe. If the title's a success, perchance we'll see a Revolution-bound Resident Evil sooner rather than later.

[via 1up]