
Vimeo makes it easy for companies to post videos to LinkedIn

It's the first time LinkedIn has a direct tie-in with a video service.

Get ready to see more video sales pitches on LinkedIn. Vimeo has expanded its social publishing features to let companies post videos directly on their LinkedIn pages. It's the first time any video service has had an "end-to-end integration" with LinkedIn, Vimeo said. Pioneering or not, it's helpful if you want to spice up your creative portfolio or advertise a business to would-be workers.

You'll get stats for how well these videos perform, so it should be patently clear whether or not your clips are faring as well on LinkedIn as they do elsewhere.

Like some of Vimeo's other recent efforts, this is focused on pros rather than everyday users. And the company sees that as a selling point -- this is a way to quickly distribute videos that are intended strictly for business. It might be faster and easier than embedding a YouTube clip or tweet, especially when you can share to YouTube and social networks at the same time.