
Weekly Roundup: Peripheral Vision, Samsung's rumored Galaxy Gear, Nexus 4 price drop, and more!

You might say the week is never really done in consumer technology news. Your workweek, however, hopefully draws to a close at some point. This is the Weekly Roundup on Engadget, a quick peek back at the top headlines for the past seven days -- all handpicked by the editors here at the site. Click on through the break, and enjoy.

Weekly Roundup Peripheral Vision, Samsung's rumored Galaxy Gear, Nexus 4 price drop, and more!

Introducing Peripheral Vision

This week we introduced a new series -- from the Webby award-winning producers of the Engadget Show -- called Peripheral Vision. In our first episode we took a ride with Eric Staller in his 1967 Volkswagen Beetle, covered in 1,659 flashing lightbulbs. Staller was trained as an architect, but soon discovered his calling as an artist. Click through for the full episode.

Weekly Roundup Peripheral Vision, Samsung's rumored Galaxy Gear, Nexus 4 price drop, and more!

OLPC XO Tablet review

The XO Laptop was originally offered up to consumers in 2007 for $399, a price that also paid to send a device to a child in a developing nation. Now, in 2013, the One Laptop Per Child organization is offering its first proper device to the consumer market, with the tablet available for $149 at major retailers like Walmart and Target. The OLPC XO tablet comes loaded with software, but the quality of the apps is uneven and the price is high for what's essentially a kid's toy. Read on for more.

Hands-on with HTC's Mini+ and Fetch Bluetooth accessories

Worried about exposing your new One, or other high-end Sense powered smartphone? The Mini+ -- a companion device which connects to your phone via Bluetooth -- may just be the perfect solution for you. We got the chance to spend a few minutes playing with the gear and thought you might like to see how we feel. At the same time catch our hands-on with Fetch, a Bluetooth tether designed to clip onto your key chain and prevent you from losing your most vital things.

Nintendo announces 2DS handheld gaming system

This week, in a surprise move, Nintendo announced a new 2DS handheld gaming system. The device takes a step away from the Nintendo's well known handheld design standards, eliminating both the 3DS' hinge and namesake graphics. The 2DS will cost $129 when it arrives on October 12, and packs dual screens, two cameras round the back, a single speaker and a 3.5mm headphone jack, plus a 4GB SD card. Head up for more details, and an introductory video.

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