
Google I/O Galaxy Tabs get Google Movies update, VIP treatment

Lucky enough to snag one of those coveted white Galaxy Tab 10.1s from Google I/O? If so, tablet life is about to get a little bit sweeter. Google Movies is now an update away, making video rentals from The Goog mere moments from reality on your slate. Don't get your hopes up though... this isn't an update to Android 3.2, nor is it the TouchWiz UX update that will be rolling out at a NYC event later this week. Keep in mind these Google-fied Galaxy Tabs are Wifi-only devices, which typically receive updates like this far later than their 3G brethren -- making this download a bit peculiar. Regardless of its irregularity, those with the limited edition tablet can now catch up on all those Harry Potter flicks on the go, before their jealous pals with the standard model can.