
Warner Brothers releases Batman: Arkham City Lockdown for iOS

Although it's not yet live in the US Store as of this writing, Warner Brothers has released Batman: Arkham City Lockdown in the NZ App Store, and it will be rolling out in other countries over the day. "Scour the rooftops and the seedy underbelly of Gotham City through a series of one-on-one battles with the Joker, Two-Face and more, as well as the Batman: Arkham City Lockdown exclusive -– Deathstroke," the game's description notes.

While the gameplay and graphics aren't likely to be as intense as the full Arkham City game on consoles and PCs, the game does use the same Unreal Engine as Infinity Blade 2, which makes for some very impressive-looking screenshots of the app in action.

Batman: Arkham City Lockdown is a universal app for both iPhone and iPad, compatible with iPhone 3GS and above, 3rd generation iPod touch and above, and all models of iPad. Like other graphically-intensive iOS games, however, you'll probably only get the best visuals on the iPhone 4S or iPad 2.

The game is available in the New Zealand App Store for NZ$8.29, and it should be available in the US Store later today at a price of US$5.99.