HTC EVO 4G launch day line watch
You've had the day circled on your calendar for nearly a month, you've seen its insides, you've seen it rooted, and you've even witnessed Froyo running on its massive 4.3-inch screen. Now the time has finally come to actually own the EVO. As is our time-honored tradition with galactically significant product launches, we're starting up a little photo essay here showing the progression of lines outside Sprint stores through this most auspicious of days. Only the trick here is that you'll be doing our writing for us, a thousand words at a time. Join us after the break for the pictures and don't forget -- a lot of stores will be opening early to sate demand.
New York reader Jordan Harding starts us off with a visage of the Bryant Park Sprint store. He's (clearly) the first in line, but barriers have been set up to contain the inevitable crush of Supersonic fanboys and girls. We love the tasty irony of him taking this picture with his Palm Pre, the previous king of Sprint's hill.
It's 4.30AM in Washington DC and... we've got another queue-less Sprint storefront to gaze upon. At this rate, we might need to go create the lines ourselves. Thanks, Bryant.
The tumbleweed keeps tumbling in front of RadioShack stores, while reader DevilGear shows us the first image of real fleshies waiting for their hot new Android friend. Thanks and kudos go out to Nick and Michael for keeping their local Shacks populated.
At long last, an honest to goodness line has materialized over in Washington at 7.30AM. Thanks again, Bryant.
And boom goes the dynamite, here's another. 7.45AM in Alexandria, Virginia, courtesy of Zachary.
Lexington Avenue in New York is just busting at the seams with muted anticipation.
Chi-town has come out in irresistible force, as this pic taken at 7.15AM local time shows. Another notable bit of info: it was snapped with an EVO by reader Eric, who was probably wise not to tread any closer to that massive crowd with the object of their desire in his hand.
Say hello to New Berlin, Wisconsin, where we're told the parking lot is unusually full and people are even waiting out in the rain. Thanks to Sanford for grabbing this snapshot at 7.18AM local time.
We've got nothing snarky to say about this one -- it's a fully formed, round-the-corner, bona fide line, even if it is a bit too well behaved for our tastes. Shot by Chad in New York with an HTC Incredible.
Reporting from the City of Angels, Jeff says one line actually reached 88, but his flux capacitor must have kicked in before he could take a pic; he sent this 6:30AM shot from the 1465 Westwood Boulevard store instead, with his full apologies.
Lloyd from Champaign-Urbana didn't have much company for his misery -- in the hours since 3AM, the only souls he and friend met were three teenage girls and their mom. Alas, such are the trials of those who waited for the EVO 4G.