
HTC launching new Android phone in London tomorrow? We'll be there!

We'd already pretty much figured that HTC's London event tomorrow would have something to do with Android -- the invite for the shindig playfully teases us with a rose in the picture, after all, which is probably a reference to HTC's Rosie UI that's been circulating in leaked ROM form for a while now. Indeed, Pocket-lint points to a fellow journalist whose "colleague" has apparently played with the new hardware and gives it a "rave review," so we're excited to find out what it is exactly that HTC's got brewing -- and as we've said before, it certainly lines up nicely with T-Mobile UK's promise of more G1 Touch details "soon." At any rate, we'll be on hand to find out what's good as it happens, so stay tuned for all the HTC news that's fit to print starting at 6:30AM ET, 11:30AM London time.