
Fallout 3's Vault-Tec toll-free number wants you to hold forever

If you call the Vault-Tec toll free hotline at 1-888-4-VAULTTEC (dang novelty 800 numbers!), you'll be stuck on immediate hold and told there are 101,000,000 callers in front of you ... which leads to an extremely long hold time. In fact, a mutant voice lets you know it's about 78,643 hours (unless we're hearing it wrong). We checked back to see if it's counting down, and it doesn't seem to be.

Any hackers out there with Rain Man-like number skillz who want to try and decode what this could possibly mean for Fallout 3? Maybe it's the date of the apocalypse. Have at it, and have fun. Also, please don't stay on hold that long and blame us later. If you're phonically challenged, just watch our special Joystiq audio-only recording of the call posted after the break.

[Thanks, Robert]