
Wii gamers may just be better citizens

You've just gotta love mainstream articles written about that endlessly mysterious creature: the gamer. Even when they're positive -- as today's example certainly is -- gamers are still (potentially) basement dwelling creeps. Well, no more, my brethren! According to research from the Pew Internet & American Life Project, gaming can help make you a better citizen. Yes, you, and by you, we mean people who play Wii games.

Why Wii owners? Because the study showed a correlation between teens who play multiplayer games in person -- as opposed to online multiplayer -- and those who are more likely to participate in civic activities, like fundraising or voter awareness. Better still? Those teens who interacted with others in online gaming communities and discussions were also more likely to be civic-minded. Man, you must be really awesome, reader. Surely it applies even to those of you who are a little past the teen years!

There are other interesting facts hidden in the full report (available in PDF), such as the breakdown of who's playing what genre, and the fact that 94% of the girls surveyed play at least some sort of game.