Thomson's RCA M200 256MB/512MB DAP
Why do DAP manufacturers think they can distract us from their products' low storage capacities by jazzing them up with decals and interchangeable faceplates? Thomson is the latest company to hope you'll value fashion (if you can call a fluorescent green audio device "fashionable") over function with their new OLED-sportin' RCA M200 flash player, in your choice of paltry 512MB and even less generous 256MB flavors. Now granted, both configurations include an SD slot and will retail for under a C-note, but we'd prefer to spend a few more bucks for bulkier internal storage rather than on more memory cards not labeled "mini" or "micro." Still, the battery life seems good at 18 hours from a single AAA, and at $80 and $60 for the half- and quarter-gig, respectively, who are we to tell you to buy something else?