
Ben Heckendorn's Atari 800 laptop

atari 800 laptop

Ben Heckendorn, master of stuffing old gaming consoles into portable packaging (see: NES Micro, N64p, PPS2, Phoenix 2600), has just revealed what is arguably his most intricate project yet, a homemade laptop filled with Atari 800 guts. This throwback to the early days of video games sports an 8-inch TFT screen, dual speakers, full QWERTY keyboard, 2-player controls, cursor control knob, CompactFlash "disk drive," and two joystick ports. Even better, Heckendorn included an error reference list right next to the display, which would be super-handy to have on regular laptops, except that a list of Windows error codes would probably require a 500-foot tall screen.

[Thanks, Jeffler]